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Australian Vision Convention 2020

<p> Below is a list of all the papers presented at the Australian Vision Convention. These questions are available free to optometrists who attended the AVC.&nbsp;<strong>&nbsp;To have your points for attendance accredited you must login&nbsp;</strong><strong>using the username and password provided at the conference</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>select your conference&nbsp;and then click on the question set for that seminar. &nbsp;</strong></p> <p> <strong>You must click in the box showing that you attended the seminar and then you&nbsp;</strong><strong>can access the questions.</strong></p> <p> If you attended the seminar you can earn extra CPD points by successfully answering the questions.&nbsp;</p> <p> After you submit your answers you will be given feedback. If you achieved 70% or more you will be accredited with additional CPD points for that seminar.&nbsp; If not, you can choose to try the questions again.&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>The points you earn will automatically be sent to OA along with the points from AVC. &nbsp;You can print a certificate for you own records from the website.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p>

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